Dear Marc, did you ever clean an entire house before you were to leave the country? And if so, what did you do to keep the two people under 6 years of age out of the household for two days so you didn't have to clean it again?
I brought my kids to see food in the ancient Östermalmshallen (top pic), where time stopped somewhere around 1932. It's the kind of place to go if you want to say stuff like "I'm planning to eat a plump pear two days from now. So could you give me one that will be perfect by then?"
And they won't even think that's a weird thing to ask for. They'll just give you the perfect pear.

See that man to the left? The one that looks like he's got two heads and one set of legs? One half of that strange man is one quarter of Abba. Benny.
I don't care if you don't believe me. He knows he was there. And I'm the lousiest paparazzi in the universe. Make that multiverse. I have the picture to prove it.

Cheeses from 1932.

That fruit counter.

That fruit counter with the apple of my eye.

More strange food from our nation. These pale orbs to the left are known as kroppkaka. It translates into the unappetizing "Body cake". Inside a layer of 300 % carbs, you'll find a little meat if you're lucky. Some people add bacon so they don't have to rely on luck. That's bacon to the right. If you're lucky you might find a tiny kroppkaka inside the bacon. But don't count on it.

Here's strange food that's really good. Say hello to the
semla, also known as Hetvägg - Hot wall. It's a bun with a slight cardamom tinge and an almond paste filling, topped with cream. Eat it with hot milk and cinnamon. I love semlor (pl.) so much I contemplated naming my daughter Semla.
We ate and went for dinner at my folks house. My dad told me a story about how he tried his love for another woman before mom.
"I decided to walk to the airport to test my love. I walked for an hour but then I had to take a cab, but only because I didn't have the time, I swear. And there she was and I realized I didn't love her. I saw her in the airport lounge wearing her wolf fur and all and I didn't feel a thing".
He had us with his walk to the airport. That was romantic. But wolf fur? Who is he kidding?
You have one?