Dear Marc, the other day, when I was invited to a costume party and couldn't find my pirate hat (I was so disappointed! I was so set to pin a few dead birds on my shoulder and try eating with a hook for a hand), I ended up going as a glamour mime.
While I wouldn't recommend this look to anyone, I think it's a good thing to dress as your worst nightmare. A way to conquer your fears.
At the costume party, I saw Snow white dancing with astronauts. I saw a box of crayons drinking beer. I saw jockeys hugging surgeons. I witnessed a group of Amish gentlemen getting down. I saw a whale doing the running man. I saw my former boss in the disguised of a sick man.
"What are you?"
"I am Sick"
Trust a former copywriter to dress the part of an adjective.
But the winner that night took the prize (as winners tend to do):
A kitschy fisher man complete with frame, pipe and all.

I like this flesh colored costume too, though it's from a party I was never even close to.
What's the best costume you ever saw?
(I'm miming this as I type)