Dear Marc, we're getting close. Next letter will mark the 200th contact effort on my part and the 200th non-reply on yours. It's not making me proud, but not exactly embarrassed either. I'm usually a quitter, so more than anything; I'm surprised that we've both held out for so long.
Maybe this would be a great time to quit, or start writing someone else?
Dear readers, who should I address next time? Mariah? Beyonce? You?
All suggestions are welcome.
You may propose I should keep writing Mr Jacobs.
I just might. Why not, it's not like I'm that much more of an unwanted stalkeriffic writer at 300 letters than at 200. Or less.
For the latest in MJ news, hit the stores and get porny with it
I've been a delighted reader through most of the 200 letters. I don't think it will matter to me who you write to, just keep it up! And thanks!
Ditto that!
Don't stop writing now! In fact, maybe you should start writing to Dolce and Gabbana also so we can enjoy more of your work!
But I'm just starting to understand all the fashion....
I think you may be getting to Marc. Don't give up now!
(But whatever you write, I'm cool with - so long as I'm continued to read please!)
If it were me (keep in mind I am very lazy) I would keep writing Mark. If you start writing to Beyonce you have to change your blog to www.letterestobeyonce.blogspot.com
to much work in that.
Ok so this is not the best argument, but please keep writing! Mark, Beyonce, the Pope…does not matter…well maybe not the Pope.
A faithful reader
hey, dont stop writing to marc. i think he will reply back one day. pls try to understand, hes a very bz man. u just keep on writing yeah coz i really love ur blog.
Marc is such a bummer, to keep all these loveletters unreplied! (And I'm sure he checks up on every one.) Emi, I think you should start writing to his parents and have him disciplined for his heartless behaviour.
i agree with the other readers. just heep writing, doesnt matter to who...
another faithfull reader
Denise from brazil
Also agreed, keep writing. Your writing and pictures are great and make me smile, so it doesn't matter who you write to, just keep writing.
You can always write to Amy Grant's Mandible.
But whatever you do, please don't stop writing.
Emi, we all rely on you for a giggle in this terribly weird world, so don't you dare stop!
Since Marc made the Vanity Fair top hundred list this year, I guess he might be just to bizzy to reply, but I'm sure he's lurking reading every word... .)
I love you people.
Hahahah! Come this far! Thankyou, but I haven't come anywhere. It's really just about an end consumer trying to reach the brand, instead of the other way around. I don't think he or the company will ever respond. There's nothing to say. "I hear you have a blog" hahaha. How 2006. But thankyou for cheering me on.
e-I'll be Marc if you'll write to me. Heck, I'll even write ya back! How's that for wacky? It's fall in my world, too.
dont give up on marc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, I just wanted to say that I'm so disgusted by Marc Jacobs and the rest of the bunch of superficial people that wants to make grunge in again. I'm disgusted by their disrespect for grunge and other types of underground styles that they just can't seem to leave alone. Those designers ruin evrything, they're so lame!!! And they suck! They're clothes are so ugly, that whole new grunge collection looks like stolen clothing from homeless people.
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