Alla som tycker om glädje och mat måste läsa
"om jag vore din hemmafru".
Read "om jag vore din hemmafru". Teach yourself Swedish if you must in order to understand. It's worth it. As a plus, you'll be able to sing along with ABBA in their native language.
Here's one more reason. to learn Swedish.
Emi, you lovely thing! Undrade just varifrån alla mina nya, internationella läsare kom ifrån. Loveyou.
I have decided to take your advice and have been singing about "skäggiga damen och dvärgen och clownen" all day - miraculously my cooking has also improved. Two birds, one stone. Tack.
Jaaa! Mitt liv - vid spisen och vid Macen - blev just så oerhört mycket bättre.
Tack Emi, tack Lotta!
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