Dear Marc, I'm making myself at home in London. Today a British lady asked me for directions and I could give them to her!
Yesterday it snowed in London and they closed all schools. Such wimps! Makes me wish for my snowclad winter capital above.
I work and play with the kids and enjoy the company of A, but sometimes I miss my friends at home. The weekend before I left, I met up with the ones who could make it (Sara M was in Florida to celebrate her grandmother's 95th, Petra is in LA, Sarah S was in Japan and Malin was at home with a newborn).
But Lotta was there. We met over e-mail a few years ago. I fell in love with her hilarious soul, and then it turned out she looks amazing too (seated center, below). She once had an international top hair stylist tell her "I can't do eeenythink. EEET eez puurrrfeect." That has never happened to me. I

Nina is talking to Lotta. You can't talk to Nina without wanting to spend the next day, perhaps the next week with her. To Lotta's right, Sara T (I know so many great Sara's).
You may remember Sara from previous posts. She's a very talented illustrator/writer and she makes very nice turbans if you need one.
Below, she's listening to Lotta's lovely man Martin. I have no idea what he's talking about, I tried, but couldn't hear them.

Bea and Karin came to dinner too. Blonde Bea to the right below is also a writer/illustrator. She recently travelled to the North Pole on an ice breaker. She has walked on the ice of the North Pole, something few Londoners have done.

Karin is seated to the left of Bea. Karin is my friend and neighbour. She always beats me at board games. She's also short, like me, and people often mistake us. We're related through a common ancestor called Baggins. The fact that we're part hobbitts which may explain our height challenged statures.

I'm happy Clara was there too. I'm trying to convince her to come to London for shoe shopping as she is great company with an excellent taste in footwear. We'll see if I succeed.
Must go pick up the kids. Where are the friends you miss the most?