Friday, April 28, 2006

Fashion Fantasy no 3

Dear Marc, sometimes I picture myself as a travelling literary lady. I'm wearing grayish tweeds and perhaps a green scarf and my shoes are a priceless combination of grace and comfort. My glasses are pretty but sensible, my hands perfectly manicured to hold my precious ink pen, always at the ready.

My laptop is lacking the babyfood smearings of reality. My agenda is filled with interesting meetings. I travel to fascinating destinations to meet with the best minds of other countries. My biggest problem is what to wear to award shows. Not that it's a problem in my dreams, I just pick gowns from my extensive collection of amazing evening wear.

This is where fantasy and reality collide. I am travelling to NYC and Washington DC next week. I'm travelling together with my talented friend Bea, who's there to pick up an award for her book "The man who went to the far side of the moon" which I helped translate.

We don't know what to wear to the awards show. What would you suggest for this translator and her brilliant friend? Can I find it in your NY store?


1 comment:

emi guner said...

Thankyou both of you wonderful people!